MVP Green Policy
Thinking Green
Machine Vision Products, Inc. consider the environment as part of its daily work routines. Environmental policy is now part of MVP’s commitment to our customers and the local community. During daily work routines MVP promotes minimizing of waste, minimizing our energy expenditure and maximizing our recycling.

Acting Green
Our employees turn off lighting when not in use. When leaving the work area or office for more than 15 minutes our employees turn the lights out in that area to conserve energy consumption.
All employees are expected to turn off PC monitors and shutdown PCs when leaving the office for the day.
All our employees set their PC to go into energy saving mode when away from their desk or work area for extended periods of time.
Our employees are encouraged to print smarter and avoid unnecessary waste by reading digital documents wherever possible rather than printing.
We all receive unwanted catalogs, newsletters, magazines, or junk mail. We encourage our employees to request to be removed from the mailing list before they recycle these items.

MVP provides paper recycling bins in all prominent office and manufacturing locations. In office areas these recycling bins are placed at the printing locations.
Additional recycling facilities are also be placed in the break room. The break room also contain recycling bins for paper, aluminium cans, plastics and glass bottles. Additional recycling bins are also provided for our manufacturing areas for the collection of cardboard and computer waste.
We encourage our employees to ramp up their recycling making it a habit to recycle everything we collect. Just about any kind of paper we would encounter in an office, including fax paper, envelopes and junk mail is recyclable.
MVP also wants to make a statement and encourage our employees to consider adding and environmental signature to their e-mail.